Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Vocabulary - Swagger/Swagga

Vocabulary - Swagger/Swagga

Swagger/Swagga is the way a person carries him or herself. It is in the walk. The look. The very being of a person. Swagger is power, confidence, and sexy. There are those who are born with it. And those who need to develop it. Yes, you can develop swagger.

Dress to impress. It is not about labels or how much your clothes cost but how you look in them. Do not wear something that is trendy but you are not comfortable in. It could be the most beautiful garment ever made but if you do not feel comfortable and confident in it the garment just will not look right on you. So, it all comes down to confidence. Confidence in who you are as a person. With confidence everything else will fall into line. So get your swag on!

For more definition of Swagger go to Urban Dictionary

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